Spreading Socialism South


I apologize for all the emails I've been sending lately! In general my aim is to get you roughly one email per week. With the excitement of the fundraiser and workshops next month, the consolidation around one candidate in the race against Aaron Freeman, and the end of the legislative session, I had a lot to say this week!

I didn't want to skip giving updates on what I've been up to and what's coming up in my world.

First, though, I wanted to let you know that tomorrow I'm driving down to Louisville to knock doors in support of two friends and comrades of mine who are running for Louisville Metro Council. Joshua Crowder and JP Lyninger are two amazing fighters for justice, peace, and equality who would make amazing Councilors and start expanding our base of socialist power across the region. Both candidates are endorsed by Louisville DSA and DSA's national electoral body. They're both really great guys. And they could both benefit from a couple hours of door knocking!

If you want to drive down to Louisville with me tomorrow, please write me back and let me know!  We will go down around lunchtime, eat some food, knock doors for a couple hours, then drive back.  

In love and solidarity,


FUNraising on Friday, April 5th!


Introducing your next Indiana State Senator for Senate District 32