Introducing your next Indiana State Senator for Senate District 32


I'm happy to announce that we are united behind ONE amazing candidate in the race for the Indiana State Senate seat currently held by Aaron Freeman:

Katrina Owens!

Katrina Owens is a community leader, mother, and passionate defender of human rights for all people and a government that works for EVERYONE. I've enjoyed getting to know her and I am incredibly grateful to her for standing up and rising to meet the moment.

Our "Freedom from Freeman" campaign has been focused on resisting the bad-faith behavior of the current occupant of Senate District 32 - but campaigns need to have hope and a positive vision, not just frustration with the status quo.

I'm pleased to say that Katrina has that vision. She believes, as do I, that elected officials should represent ALL of their constituents, not just the ones who vote the same way we do or believe the same things we do. Everyone deserves dignity, respect, and elected officials who listen and participate in the community.  Katrina will do amazing work here.

After paying for the fundraiser on April 5th and the training workshops on April 6th and 7th, my plan is to donate every single dime in my campaign account to Katrina to support her in her race, and keep fundraising for her throughout the leadup to November.

I will be sharing contact information for all donors and volunteers who signed up on the Freedom from Freeman page with Katrina, and you'll be hearing directly from her soon. There's plenty to be done, but many hands make light work. And we have one of the strongest, largest bases of supporters set up at this point in the year that a Democrat has ever brought into a contest with a sitting Republican.

We will WIN this race together! And I'll be right beside you every step of the way.

I hope to see all of you on April 5th, where we will eat, drink, and raise a huge amount of money for Katrina!

I'm so excited to have such a strong and compelling candidate as our next State Senator!



Spreading Socialism South


Democracy requires All Hands On Deck!