FUNraising on Friday, April 5th!


We are gearing up for an amazing few days in just a few weeks!

April 5th, we have our awesome Inferno Room fundraiser!
April 6th and 7th, we have what will likely be the largest training workshops to defeat Republicans in the state thus far this year!
April 8th, we have a full solar eclipse!

Each of these will be events to remember for years.

Today I wanted to focus on our fundraiser. Click on the image to RSVP if you haven't yet!

Thanks to Hannah and Rees, our talented and intrepid volunteer graphic designers, we have this amazing social media flyer that you can share widely!

But that's not the only thing you can do to help out!

If you have spare energy between now and the event, we could use your help with:
-Recruiting your friends and family to come out to meet Katrina and raise some money!
-Talking with business owners, artists, and others to ask for silent auction donations!
-Printing and hanging up real-life versions of the flyer in local coffee shops and other community spaces!

If you're able to help with any of the above, just reply to this email and I'll make sure you have what you need to be successful. It takes a group of people working together to succeed in politics, and that includes putting together amazing fundraisers.

In love and solidarity,


Struggling towards victory (emphasis on struggling)


Spreading Socialism South