Thoughts On Getting Hit


Thanks very much to those of you who already chipped in what you could to help me put some money in the pocket of the trainers who came out.

For those who didn’t get to meet them, our out of town guests were former campaign managers, Field Directors, Fundraising Directors, and other extremely experienced folks from national campaigns. Their advice was extremely helpful, and they’ve left us with awesome materials to help us continue to push for more democracy in Indiana!

If you can give even a few dollars, please do.

I also wanted to share a short narrative piece of writing I composed based on my experience being hit by a car and calling the police. I’ll spare you all the unedited 17-page navelgazing reflection (though if you really want the “Snyder Cut” please just ask and I’m happy to let you read it).

The version of the narrative that is short enough for most people to stomach is here.

The version of the narrative that gives more nuance and more of my personal thought, but is unfortunately eight pages long, is here.

The “too long; didn’t read” summary: I was hit by a car while riding my bike. I was very sore for a few days and I’m still waiting for a part to come in to get back to riding, but otherwise I came out unscathed. The driver, a very young man, panicked and fled the scene when I said the word “police.” IMPD was extremely helpful in both finding the driver and in dropping all charges and allowing us to resolve this amicably.  

I was able to sit and have a coffee with the driver and his mother, and we all apologized to each other and learned a lot from the experience. Nobody behaved perfectly in this encounter - which underscores the need for both road systems and justice systems that allow people to make mistakes without those mistakes becoming lethal.

Please find my updates from the last week below. As always, let me know if you’d like to meet with me, discuss ideas, or need my help.

In love and solidarity,


Movement Campaigns - The Playbook


VICTORY! And a plea