Happy Juneteenth!


Happy Juneteenth!

Today, I was honored to speak at an event at RecycleForce celebrating the designation of the road into the facility as Second Chance Way. For those who don’t know, RecycleForce and Keys2Work are non-profit organizations in the district that help take discarded things from the community and find value, dignity, and purpose for them. These discarded things are both the materials and consumer goods that they disassemble and recycle, as well as the human beings who work there, who almost exclusively consist of formerly incarcerated people working to turn a new page in their lives. The name "Second Chance Way" is a beautiful homage both to the founders' son Chancellor (Chance) who died while serving his country, 15 years ago today, as well as to the second chances bestowed on the workers and the goods that come through the doors of the building.

Here was my speech from today:

“Good morning, everyone.

It is an honor to stand before you today on a national holiday, Juneteenth, to celebrate two amazing organizations doing great work in my district.

As we reflect on Juneteenth and its profound significance in our nation’s history, we are reminded that it is a celebration of liberation, second chances, and the right to participate fully and equally in our communities. What better occasion to honor the impactful work of RecycleForce and Keys2Work? These organizations embody the spirit of empowerment and transformation. They are catalysts for change, breaking down barriers and allowing individuals to build stable, fulfilling lives while contributing positively to their communities.

For too long, a criminal record has served as a barrier to gainful employment, housing, and other essential aspects of a productive life. This stigma not only affects the individuals but also their families and the broader community.

Organizations like RecycleForce and Keys2Work are leading the way in providing essential opportunities to returning citizens to allow them to become self-sufficient, empowered, and productive members of society. These organizations save taxpayer money by reducing recidivism, and more importantly, help turn lives around - all while recycling materials that would otherwise end up in a landfill or illegally dumped across our city.

Every human being deserves life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We are all here because we believe everyone deserves a second chance. I am proud of the work that RecycleForce and Keys2Work do every day, and I congratulate you all on the grand opening of this facility and renaming of the road, right here in District 13.

As I stand here today alongside other elected officials and community leaders, let us continue to work together to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their past. By investing in the potential of returning citizens, we are investing in the future of our communities. Thank you.”

Remember: no one is free until we’re all free. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Weekly updates are below. Next week I’ll be discussing statewide Democratic races and the state of the Democratic party in my email. Stay tuned!

In love and solidarity,


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